Art Paintings

Free Art Friday II

I’ve been doing Free Art Friday for a little over a month now and it’s been great.  I’ve given out quite a few pieces so far, about 30 or more (I’ve taken the liberty to start free art Wednesdays and Thursdays).  The plethora of discarded student canvas panels I’ve collected at the end of the year give me the fodder to make and give out so many.  My students are aware and like the idea of what they thought was trash has become a collaboration of sorts.  I’ll be sure to continue until I run out of canvases, but I know I’ll just end up buy more canvases.

A few of the paintings I’ve bestowed on Philadelphia:

 These last two were at Tattooed Mom’s Bar.  The owner had found one    of the pieces I left behind a couple days ago and hooked me up with free  tacos!  I was sure to tip the server well.

A lot of these are/will be available for sale through Esty (If you don’t find one on the streets).

Be sure to check out other Free Art Friday artists from around the world:


By josean

I draw skulls, dinosaurs, girls, and things pertaining to Phish.
Original artwork and prints
Select giclee prints
Ramblings and pics

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